Law students, faculty, and staff may request books, articles, and other materials that we do not own, even if the material is not law-related.
Requests are processed within 1 business day of receiving them, except on weekends and holidays. Once processed, the library depends on the lending libraries to fill the requests and the US Post Office to deliver the material.
Articles and other copies:
The library can usually obtain materials at no charge.
If a lending library charges for interlibrary loan, the library will absorb the cost up to $20.
Due dates on interlibrary loan books are set by the lending libraries, and loan periods may be shorter than our library loans. We must return materials on time and in good condition to ensure continued borrowing privileges. Use ILL books immediately upon receipt, copy what you need, and return them. They should not become overdue.
If you need to keep a book beyond its due date, request a renewal at least 4 days prior.
Return ILL materials to Kim Hocking or the cart outside her office.
Most libraries do not loan the following types of material:
It is difficult, if not impossible, for the library to obtain the following through interlibrary loan: